Posts Tagged ‘outsourcing’

Social-Media-Icons-300x290Internet marketer Ryan Deiss at Digital Marketer recently posted his weekend reading list.

This article was on there:  30 Terrible Pieces of Social Media Advice You Should Ignore

The story appeared on the HubSpot website.

It’s an excellent read.   The author says:

There are a lot of so-called “social media experts” out there. Dishing out advice, sometimes based on limited experiences, and sometimes based on nothing at all. Even the true social media experts sometimes share some misguided advice based on their beliefs and experiences. So with all this bad advice floating around the web, how do you distinguish between what you should — and shouldn’t — believe?

The author looks at all of the “expert guidance”.  Including email, outsourcing social media, and whether you need to be on every single social media network.

This jumped out:  “no single social media site is the Holy Grail.”

This I continue to learn . . . daily.  Don’t stretch too thin!

Take a look.  A very useful article.