I’m a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki.

You probably know he’s the best selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

I like his book Cash Flow Quadrant the best.

Click here to see a previous post on his cash flow concept.

Whether you are a Robert Kiyosaki follower . . .

Or you are checking him out for the first time, you will want to watch this interview that Oprah did with Kiyosaki.

It’s a good 15 minute watch.

Then get the book, Cash Flow Quadrant!

Click here for the Oprah Interview with Robert Kiyosaki.

A while back, I shared Robert Kyosaki’s thoughts on the Cash Flow Quadrant and passive income.

You can see those living with passive income are 5  percent of the population  . . .

Yet, this is 95 percent of the nation’s wealth.

Want to understand passive income a bit better.

I recently watched a video by Pat Flynn.   He runs the website Smart Passive Income.com.

In under seven minutes, he shows you a passive income model.

All of this is directly related to building your You, Inc..  It’s well worth the 7 minutes!


If you have been trying to build “You Inc.”, you know that having your own list of leads is critical to your success.Leads Green

Now you can have a system that allows you to generate your own list of leads . . . for free.

  • High Converting Lead Capture Pages
  • Done-for-You E-mail Campaign
  • Powerful Back Office Dashboard
  • Stunning Banners That Get Clicks
  • Give Away Free Systems (unlimited)
  • Promote ANY Business

No catch.  No credit card.  No Phone Number.

And you can give away free systems, which help you build your list!

Click here and check it out yourself.


Website_Magazine200x200I came across an article at Website Magazine listing over 20 keyword tools that need available to those interesting in improving their paid searches or SEO ranking.

Many in the article are ones that you might recognize:   Google’s free Keyword Tool, Alexa, and Google Trends.

However, there are some new to me:  Microsoft Advertising Intelligence, Ranks.nl, and TweetVolume.

I haven’t had the chance to go through all of them.  Working through them to pick and choose on the best is on my To Do list!

Click here to access this article on 20+ Keyword Tools.

(You will need to register for this free site.   I recommend you do.   They post a number of good articles with helpful tips for internet marketers!)


Quozio_com 200x200Have you ever wondered how you can turn a quote into those neat pictures you see on Pinterest, in blog Posts and

I recently learned about a new online tool that will turn your quotes into a visually attractive picture you can put online.

On your Pinterest boards.  On your blog.  Or in your email messages.

Here’s an example of one that I did:   Quote-ConcernedAboutOthers200x200

I prepared this online picture quote using a free online internet tool at Quozio. (Click here!)

Visual pictures and videos are both excellent ways to present your information.

And this is a great way to take those quotes that come “across your desk” and put them in your materials.

Hope you find this useful.

Well known author Seth Godin had a recent posting on “the impossibility of amazing.”

He started out with the following all true statement:

If you set your bar at “amazing,” it’s awfully difficult to start.

Too often, he says, “no path” is the easiest path between what you’ve created and your vision of “the perfect.”

His solution: “Follow somebody else and wait for instructions.”

Check out his blog by clicking here–and signup for his email newsletter.

I’m on a number of email lists.   One that provides some helpful business tips from time to time is Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter from Fortune Network Publishing.

Here’s what he had to say about folks who briefly consider options for financial success.

So your prospect has a depressing, dream-sucking job, and then sees your opportunity.  Isn’t is strange that your prospect then makes a decision to give up all hope for  his life and resign himself to a lifetime of labor at a job he hates?

Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter


Just something to think about.

Social-Media-Icons-300x290Internet marketer Ryan Deiss at Digital Marketer recently posted his weekend reading list.

This article was on there:  30 Terrible Pieces of Social Media Advice You Should Ignore

The story appeared on the HubSpot website.

It’s an excellent read.   The author says:

There are a lot of so-called “social media experts” out there. Dishing out advice, sometimes based on limited experiences, and sometimes based on nothing at all. Even the true social media experts sometimes share some misguided advice based on their beliefs and experiences. So with all this bad advice floating around the web, how do you distinguish between what you should — and shouldn’t — believe?

The author looks at all of the “expert guidance”.  Including email, outsourcing social media, and whether you need to be on every single social media network.

This jumped out:  “no single social media site is the Holy Grail.”

This I continue to learn . . . daily.  Don’t stretch too thin!

Take a look.  A very useful article.

LogMeInBack again with a tip on accessing your computer while you are away from your desk.

A program you can use is Log Me In.     It’s free and easy to use.  They do offer some paid versions, if you need more of the bells and whistles.

You can have total control over the information on your computer.

For efficiency, you don’t have to worry about carrying files on a USB or syncing your desktop with a cloud.

One downside-you need to leave your computer on.   But, I don’t see that as much of a downside.

Tip:  When I’m away for an extended time, I reboot my computer (remotely through LogMeIn).

It also great to help somebody with their computer.   Like my mother and other relatives and friends.

In a moment, I can take control of the computer and work on fixing the problem.

Great service.

Check it out at Log Me In.

WunderlistQuick post of information today!  Many things to get to on my To Do list!  And that’s what I’m writing about.

I have been looking for a solution to the scraps of paper on my desk and my scattered “To Do List’.

Sound familiar?

I used TaskWise for some time, but the company disintegrated before my eyes.  The site is still up (and they may still be charging).  But it doesn’t work and the company doesn’t respond for requests for assistance.  Buyer Beware!

Next, I turned to downloading the Day Timer app on iTunes.  The idea was to sync up my Outlook Tasks with my iPhone.  It looked like it might work.   And the first level, customer support was pretty good and responsive through email.

However, Day Timers’ second level support drops off pretty significantly.  Never did hear back from Level Two, after 2-3 emails.  Again, buyer beware.

Then I tried some “work arounds”.  But ultimately, I didn’t think that Outlook Tasks had the flexibility I wanted.

Then I stumbled on Wunderlist.  I strongly encourage you to check it out.

Desktop based, with apps for most smart phones.

It allows seamless syncing back and forth between your smart phone and your desk top.

Wunderlist provides some pretty helpful sorting features, so you can pull out your priority “To Dos”.

And it allows you to set up multiple lists.  I have one for Personal, and others for the various businesses/projects I’m running.

There are some features that would be nice.  Like, the window is too big on the computer screen–it would be nice to be able to resize it much smaller than the program allows.

It does most everything I need it to do.  And the price is right–free!

Pick it up . . . and get yourself organized!