
2017-03-25_Light travels

“The 9-to-5 Workweek Is Dead. Here’s What’s Next” is the title of a recent article in Inc.com.

As somebody who has worked on my own home business for some time, a flexible schedule is one of the reasons that I settled into a home business.

I control my commute (none!) and I control my schedule.

I transitioned to my home business after a 30 year career, commuting to jobs where schedules were anything but flexible.

While the 9 to 5 work week may be dying, it’s still alive and kicking in many offices.  If not most offices.

What do the entrants into the professional, office world think about flexible schedules?

  • 29% of college students think being able to work remotely with a flexible schedule is a right, not a privilege.
  • 66% of Millennials say having a boss who doesn’t support flexible schedules has factored into their decision to leave a job.
  • 72% of working parents say that people who work flex hours have fewer pay/promotional opportunities.

What do you think?  Do you work in a job with a flexible schedule?  If not, do you wish you could?  If you had a flexible work schedule, what would that mean to you?

Drop me a note at Greg at OnlineMarketIncome.com  I’d love to hear from you.

Click here for the Inc.com article “The 9-to-5 Workweek Is Dead. Here’s What’s Next”.





Everyone has got the will to win. It’s only those with the will to prepare that do win. Mark Cuban


The British Virgin Islands . . . one of our favorites!



If you follow your dreams and spend your life doing what brings you joy, you are more likely to find success. – Richard Branson

Matt Morris is a leader in the industry.   He’s a great trainer, with great tips.  Here is his latest.  Learn a lessong from him!

Learn From My Mistake

The Caribbean’s Secret Shark Lab



Pixabay Image 1682145I’ve been as guilty as the next person wanting to know each and every detail of my network marketing company’s compensation plan.

However, Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter had it just right.  Here’s how he discusses a company’s compensation plan:

Compensation plans work like this:

If you have a lot of people using your products and services, you will earn a lot of money.

If you have fewer people using your products and services, you will earn less money.

That’s it.

Companies can only pay out a portion of sales in a compensation plan, so they have to pay it out to the people who produce the results.

That’s the big picture.

The people who micro-manage little percentages in a compensation plan are the people who have lots of time, because they don’t have a downline! 🙂