If you’re building a passive income network marketing business, you probably have wondered about millennials.
Or, maybe you are a millennial wondering about starting a business . . .
I recently came across an article highlighting four reasons why millennials should consider starting a business.
First, “You’re not a good employee and don’t like working for anyone else.” Ahhh? You think this applies just to millennials? Guess again!
If you find that pit in your stomach every Sunday night as you think about what the week is to bring, it just might be time to do something about it.
Second, “It’s easier than ever to become an entrepreneur, and technology has a lot to do with it.” Expanding a network marketing business using technology is simple . . . and scalable.
Third, “You’re thinking about leaving your day job to pursue your passion full-time. As a young, aspiring entrepreneur, focus on how that passion is going to help other people.” There are plenty of network marketing options that can both appeal to your passion, and help other people.
Health and wellness, beauty, financial, and travel (my business).
And finally, “You know how to use social media marketing to reach lots of people quickly.” Watching my own kids, millennials wake in the morning with social media and hit the pillow at night after social media.
Whether a millennial or not, the world is wide open and at your fingertips through the proper use of social media to build your business.
Hit me up if you want to discuss business building options . . . whether you are a millennial or not!
The article: 4 Reasons Young People Should Become Entrepreneurs