“If you’re short on time, you need network marketing more than anybody else. Having more time isn’t the solution to most people’s problems. Time management is.”
These comments came from a short video by Ray Higdon, an industry leader and coach.
How true.
Here’s another comment in his article that jumped out:
“I remember one night my wife was doing a home meeting and after her presentation she asked a well dressed guy what he liked about the presentation. He replied “I work 70 hours a week” of which Jess replied, without hesitation, “Ewww, how long do you have do that?”
You see, some people use the fact that they are busy as an excuse from doing network marketing or from taking on another project that could potentially change their lives. IF you are super busy right now, do you have a plan that can possibly help you NOT have to be so busy? If not, that is a scary thought.“
Seventy hours a week? Is this you?
Click here for Ray’s short training video on the topic . . . Time Management for Busy People!