Archive for the ‘Internet Marketing Tools’ Category

Ever wondered what the wealthy buy on pay day?

Or maybe you already know? 🙂

If you’re in the market for a home business or a new income stream, you might be interested in a video that helped me when I was exploring the home business landscape.


For me, this was the one, in-depth video that saved me from a lot of mistakes – from choosing the wrong business, for instance – and it overcame the misconceptions about the industry.

It’s a NO HYPE look at the business with real-world practical tips and strategies even Fortune 200 executives are eager to learn.

You might recognize the presenter from his Larry King interview, or through some financial print media.

He’s the “real deal”, a home business multi-millionaire who’s done it and teaches others how to do what he did.

It’s definitely worth your time if you’re serious about new revenue streams.

Click over there now and watch it while it’s fresh in your mind.

Tax advantages are one of the biggest positives of having your own home-based business.

As an employee, you could well be overpaying your taxes.

You can keep more of what you earn as a home-based business owner simply by following some simple steps and guidelines.

I signed up for a free webinar sponsored by Networking Times to hear former IRS Trainer, CPA, tax attorney, and Best Selling Author Sandy Botkin explain how you can give yourself that raise by keeping more of what you earn!

You will learn:

  • How to get your gas for free
  • How to legally deduct your kids video games and ballet lessons
  • How to write off more of your meals and entertainment
  • How claiming a home office can turbocharge your retirement
  • How technology has made it easy to become a tax savvy business owner

I have followed Sandy for years. Using the information he provides in his products, I structured a trip to the Caribbean, conducting business and deducting part of my expenses!

The tips were easy to follow.  A productive business trip . . . and sand under my feet, looking at the Caribbean water!

Learn how to pay the least amount of taxes possible next year by doing a few simple things today.


Sandy has been training small business owners on tax strategies for over 30 years.

It’s well worth your time to sit in on this webinar!

Click here to register to learn how you can keep more of what your earn with your own home-based business!


If you have been involved with internet marketing for any amount of time . . . or are new . . . you have heard the advice “Build Your List”.

First, why?

A posting at Blogger Sidekick laid out the stats on email:

Of people that use the internet, 85% of them use email as a medium for communication. In contrast, all of the social media networks combined cover only 62% of internet users. So even if you mastered every single social network you wouldn’t have the market coverage that email gives you, and that audience would be spread across a number of platforms that you don’t own.

Did you get that last comment . . . “platforms that you don’t own.”

That is crucial to understand your business. You Inc.

Building your list, and sharing value to that list, is your asset.  For your business.

Using effective tools, like capture pages and autoresponders, you own that asset.

But how?

The steps are pretty straightforward, as this article points out:

  • Setup a site for email capture
  • Create an Offer of Value
  • Attract People to that Offer

There is a ton of information in this post. If you are beginning, you do not need to worry about all of these “bells and whistles.”

One person commented on this article, saying this is a marketing strategy that often is overlooked as we “obsess about social [media]”.

Couldn’t agree more!

Click here for Blogger Sidekick’s  “List Building—Get More Subscribers Than You Can Handle”.

I welcome your thoughts!


If you have a website . . . and are trying to build your own identity . . . You, Inc. . . .

You will come up on writing roadblocks.

You want to provide quality to your subscribers . . . . but the well seems dry.

You stare at the screen.

I recently came across an article written by Angie Dixon.  Her byline says she “helps creative people be more of who they are.”

She covers some “big picture” concepts like “Keeping Your Brain Full” and “Create More Down Time”.

But she gets in the weeds with nuts and bolts writing suggestions.

It’s a short read.

Take a few minutes . . . and see what you can take from this for your own writing projects.

Click here.


Multiple streams of income in your home-based business?

Or not?

A question that is asked . . . and debated within the home-based business community.

Industry Leader Diane Hochman recently offered her thoughts on multiple streams of income.

She makes an interesting comparison between a home-based business . . . and a brick and mortar like Target, Walmart, etc.

She suggests 1) thinking about your market and 2) thinking about the products for that market.

Click here for Diane’s thoughts on multiple streams of income . . . and what comes after you analyze your target market.

If you have been trying to build “You Inc.”, you know that having your own list of leads is critical to your success.Leads Green

Now you can have a system that allows you to generate your own list of leads . . . for free.

  • High Converting Lead Capture Pages
  • Done-for-You E-mail Campaign
  • Powerful Back Office Dashboard
  • Stunning Banners That Get Clicks
  • Give Away Free Systems (unlimited)
  • Promote ANY Business

No catch.  No credit card.  No Phone Number.

And you can give away free systems, which help you build your list!

Click here and check it out yourself.


Website_Magazine200x200I came across an article at Website Magazine listing over 20 keyword tools that need available to those interesting in improving their paid searches or SEO ranking.

Many in the article are ones that you might recognize:   Google’s free Keyword Tool, Alexa, and Google Trends.

However, there are some new to me:  Microsoft Advertising Intelligence,, and TweetVolume.

I haven’t had the chance to go through all of them.  Working through them to pick and choose on the best is on my To Do list!

Click here to access this article on 20+ Keyword Tools.

(You will need to register for this free site.   I recommend you do.   They post a number of good articles with helpful tips for internet marketers!)


Quozio_com 200x200Have you ever wondered how you can turn a quote into those neat pictures you see on Pinterest, in blog Posts and

I recently learned about a new online tool that will turn your quotes into a visually attractive picture you can put online.

On your Pinterest boards.  On your blog.  Or in your email messages.

Here’s an example of one that I did:   Quote-ConcernedAboutOthers200x200

I prepared this online picture quote using a free online internet tool at Quozio. (Click here!)

Visual pictures and videos are both excellent ways to present your information.

And this is a great way to take those quotes that come “across your desk” and put them in your materials.

Hope you find this useful.