Archive for the ‘Computer Repair’ Category

OnLine_Computer_RepairI booted up my computer . . . and saw the black screen.  “Windows did not start properly.  Do you want to repair”  or something like that.

“This is not good,” I thought.   I then spent the next day or two going into endless reboots, repairs, and system restores.

I had been thinking about finding a good repair person, but like most of us, I thought “this happens to somebody else.

I won’t need repairs.”  Yeah, right.

I went online and found Southeast Web group at  

The Technician (sorry, I don’t remember his name) promptly took my information, asked me some questions, and then logged into my computer.  He took control of my desktop remotely, and proceeded to take the first run at fixing the problem.

I say first run, because after we hung up, I had to call him again, because the first fix didn’t “fix it.”

He logged back into my computer, and did some further work.  These last changes fixed the problem.

I can’t say it will work like this for everybody.  But for me, my call to them and his technical knowledge saved me in a lot of ways.  I didn’t have to find somebody to come to my house.  Nor did I have to unhook my CPU to take it to the local computer repair business, where I likely would have had to leave it for  few days waiting for them to “get around to it.”

My computer repair work was done while I was sitting at my desk “watching” him take control.

And, because they have a “fix it or it’s free” policy, I knew I would not be paying unless they fixed my problem.

I have no connection to this company.  But, I know that I have saved their contact information should anything like every happen again to me.

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